New Perspective and Paradigm in New Normal Service
Apart From a few people disagreeing with the continued use of the expression “new normal”, we are all experiencing something new whether we want to accept it as normality or not. Bahasa Global is always updating its business practices but more so since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. We have increased our staff and retrained them. For a while, our people were even working remotely and we have made their health and safety our priority. The pandemic quarantining was a challenge for our business and we knew that there needed to be develop new perspectives to the way we ran our business.
In April we commenced an assignment providing remote interpretation services to the biggest development bank operating in Indonesia and we have also started to offer virtual meeting hosting services. Bahasa Global has been lucky to have successfully undertaken many event management and event organizing projects over the past couple of years; the event management experience and skills gained were useful as the basis for structuring and developing our new virtual event organizing services. As a result of these existing relationships and our practical experience, by June, we had already successfully undertaken several Virtual Event Organization assignments and a dozen. Remote simultaeous Itepetatiom sI) projects. The new normal has been an interesting journey and a great learning experience for the Bahasa Global team.
We are learning and improving on every assignment and event we work on and we are 100% focused on delivering only the best quality services. We are standardizing the hardware we use with our interpreters and our hosting infrastructure. We are continually training our team to ensure they have mastered the technology and the virtual meeting platform. Bahasa Global has also improved our own ofFice facilities to ensure we can support all of the new hardware and software we use. We are all still early in this journey, but we will always continue to upgrade our skills and knowledge and improve the services we can offer to our clients throughout the “New Normal” and beyond.